Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Bibit Jambu Merah Tanpa Biji

Hampir semua orang suka dengan jambu merah, selain sangat banyak manfaatnya, rasanya juga manis menyegarkan, apalagi jika dibuat jus dan diminum dalam keadaan dingin saat matahari terik. Jambu merah biasanya memiliki banyak sekali biji didalamnya, sehingga memerlukan banyak waktu untuk membuang bijinya.

Namun, hal tersebut sudah teratasi karena sekarang sudah hadir jambu merah tanpa biji. Jambu merah tanpa biji ini hidup layaknya jambu biji biasa, daun dan batangnya sama, kulit buahnya pun sama, tentu saja yang membedakan adalah isi dialam buahnya, karena memang jambu sukun ini tidak memiliki biji didalamnya, kalaupun ada paling hanya 2-3 biji saja.

PENTING!!! : "Untuk pembelian bibit 10 Kg – 40 Kg kami sangat menyarankan anda untuk menambahkan produk Packingan Kayu, agar keamanan lebih terjamin."

Nama : Jambu Merah Tanpa Biji.
Nama latin : Psidium Guajava.
Asal Bibit : Hasil Okulasi / cangkok
Tinggi bibit saat ini : 30 cm – 70 cm.
Rekomendasi dataranl : dataran rendah – dataran tinggi.
Kebutuhan sinar matahari : Penyinaran sepanjang hari.
Berbuah : 1- 2 tahun.
Ukuran jika tanam dalam pot : diameter lubang 60 cm.

Harga Rp 55.000

bisa COD bayar setelah barang sampai

Pesan silahkan WA ke 08562536731

Monday, 23 February 2015

Bibit Mangga Irwin

Salah satu bibit unggulan yang paling banyak dicari berbagai kalangan dari seluruh Indonesia adalah Mangga Ungu atau yang lebih sering dikenal dengan istilah Mangga Irwin. Berasal dari Australia, mangga dengan warna yang indah dipandang mata ini kini sudah mulai banyak ditanam di Indonesia.

Tanaman mangga irwin dapat ditanam di pekarangan rumah atau halaman rumah, bisa juga ditanam dalam pot besar dengan ukuran pot minimal 50 cm agar dapat tumbuh dan berbuah dengan baik. Tidak cuma indah warnanya, Mangga Irwin ini juga manis dengan serat yang lembut sehingga sangat diminati oleh para penikmat buah mangga.

Tanaman mangga irwin termasuk kedalam tanaman yang cepat berbuah. Hal ini dikarenakan bibit hasil okulasi berasal dari pohon yang sudah dewasa dan sudah berbuah, sehingga tanaman hasil okulasi pun akan cepat berbuah.

PENTING!!! : "Untuk pembelian bibit 10 Kg – 40 Kg kami sangat menyarankan anda untuk menambahkan produk Packingan Kayu, agar keamanan lebih terjamin."

Spesifikasi :
Nama : Mangga Irwin / Mangga Ungu
Nama ilmiah : Mangifera sp
Asal daerah : Australia.

Asal bibit : Hasil okulasi sehingga lebih cepat berbuah
Ukuran bibit saat ini : 25 cm – 70 cm.
Waktu berbuah : Mulai berbuah saat sudah berumur 1-3 tahun
Jika ditanam dalam pot : Pot dengan diameter lubang 60 cm


Harga Rp 65.000

bisa COD bayar setelah barang sampai

Pesan silahkan WA ke 08562536731

Bibit Alpukat Tanpa Biji

Alpukat Tanpa Biji atau seedless avocado merupakan salah satu jenis alpukat ungul yang terkenal karena buahnya yang tidak memiliki biji sama sekali. Rasa buahnya sedikit manis dengan tekstur yang lembut dan padat.

Alpukat ini mempunyai daging buah yang jauh lebih melimpah, yang tentunya mampu memberikan kepuasan tersendiri bagi penikmat buah alpukat.

Pohon alpukat tanpa biji memiliki ciri-ciri fisik yang sama dengan alpukat lainnya. Seperti batang yang berwarna cokelat, daun lonjong dengan warna hijau di permukaan atasnya dan kuning kecokelatan di permukaan bawahnya.

Selain buahnya yang tidak memiliki biji, budidaya alpukat jenis ini tergolong mudah dan pohonnya memiliki kemampuan untuk menyesuaikan diri terhadap segala jenis kondisi cuaca.

PENTING!!! : "Untuk pembelian bibit 10 Kg – 40 Kg kami sangat menyarankan anda untuk menambahkan produk Packingan Kayu, agar keamanan lebih terjamin."

Spesifikasi :
Nama : Alpukat Tanpa Biji.
Rekomendasi dataran : Dataran tinggi.
Asal bibit : okulasi / cangkok.
Tinggi bibit : 30cm - 60cm.
Kondisi tempat tumbuh optimal: Iklim sejuk atau dingin dengan suhu 20-25°C atau lebih sedikit.
Kebutuhan sinar matahari : Sepanjang hari.
Waktu berbuah : Mulai berbuah saat umur 3-5 tahun.

Harga Rp 75.000

bisa COD bayar setelah barang sampai

Pesan silahkan WA ke 08562536731

Origin of fruit Jackfruit

Jackfruit Artocarpus heterophyllus has a Latin name. This plant is native to India allegedly are now spread throughout the world, especially Southeast Asia. There are two kinds of jackfruit, namely:
Artocarpus heterophyllus or Artocarpus integer Merr Lamk commonly called jackfruit.Artocarpus champeden stoke or Artocrpus Integrifolia commonly called jackfruit. However, people like jackfruit. Types of forest jackfruit can be found in Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Cempedak has coarse fur on the leaves as well as the specific aromatic and crisp, while jackfruit not. In the wild, the jackfruit and jackfruit easily mate cross.

The nature of Botany Fruit
Jackfruit Jackfruit is a tall forest tree plant can reach 25 m. The wood is hard, if it was an old yellow to reddish. All parts of the plant sap and jackfruit sap-called sticky. Jackfruit plants resistant and resistant shade on open land.
A. Leaves and Stems
The leaves are oval, wide, thick and somewhat stiff. Surface smooth to rough hairy leaves. The leaves are sticky. Little branches, growth tends upward. The wood is hard and gummy.
B. Flowers
The flowers are of two kinds, namely the male flowers and female flowers. Location of separate interest, but in the tree (monoecious). The flowers are out on the trunk, branches or twigs and hang like the durian.
C. Fruit
Jackfruit relatively large and seedy. Her skin was soft spiked. Each seed is wrapped in flesh (endocarp) and eksokarp (dami) containing gelatin. Actually jackfruit is a compound fruit that is flowering and arranged perpendicular to the fruit stalk, forming a large building compact and round to oval shape called Babal. Thorn fruit that looks real is the former head of the pistil. Female flowers on Babal look fat, whereas males Babal slim shape. Rind green to reddish yellow. Flesh thin to thick. Once ripe, red fruit flesh is yellow, soft, sweet and specific aroma.
D. Root
Has a taproot and the roots are very strong side and inside. Even able to penetrate the walls of the house.

Botanical nature of melon fruit

Origins of Fruit Melon
Like the plants watermelon, melon was not native to Indonesia. However, it has now spread throughout the world, including Indonesia. Before 1990, the melon was a stranger to the population of Indonesia, but now has become the subject of "dessert" are popular. The fruit is often served at the party places alone or together with watermelon, papaya and pineapple.
Botany properties Melon
Melon plants is very similar to watermelon, which is highly branched, but more subtle feather stems. Melon stem is shorter than a watermelon. Melon seeds collected in the middle of the cavity of the fruit, while watermelon seed spread in the flesh.
A. Leaves and Stems
Bercanggap melon leaf width (notched), being rather short. Melon stem has a tool holder for climbing. There are varieties of melon leaf edge wavy and not bercanggap.
B. Flowers
Melon flowers monoecious and unisexual. The flowers appear first and the fifth is usually the male flowers. Honeybees and bluebottle's role in the pollination of flowers.
C. Fruit
Melons are generally round, although there is a long and does not contain a lot of water. Type melon aplenty, of which there is a green-skinned, yellow, and yellowish white. However, there are basically three types of fruit that fruit whose skin berjaring (net), skin berjaring not clear and smooth skin with no sign of the net. In Malang, there is a type of fruit called a cantaloupe melon. Cantaloupe fruit grooved like pumpkin. Melon skin grooved among fatoso and Durine. All melon fruit with seed lot, collected in a cavity filled with mucus fruit. Mucus is sweet, chewy and not much water. There are varieties of melons whose skin is black with greenish flesh, for example tendral verde.
D. Root
Melon plants are not much different from the watermelon, has a taproot and many side roots and somewhat in. Side roots in the form of fibers which are numerous, powerful and long.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Ingredients and Benefits Watercress Plants

Kale serves as a sedative (sedative) and is able to carry nutrients into the digestive tract. That is why, this plant has the ability to neutralize toxins in the body. Part of the most important kale plants are young stem and bud as a vegetable. Kale can act as an anti-toxin (antitoksik), anti-inflammatory, diuretic, stop bleeding (hemostatic), sedatives (barbiturates). Kale is also soothing and calming. In addition to vitamins A, B1 and C, kale also contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, hentriakontan and sitosterol. In the Philippines, kale is usually used to cure constipation and medication for those who are on a diet. The roots of spinach is also useful for treating hemorrhoids.
Benefits of Kale Plant
Reducing pain during menstruation total of 1/2 kg of fresh spinach leaves washed with finely ground. Then add water as much as 1/2 cup, filtered and added 1 tablespoon honey. This herb drink 1 a day at a time.Stopping Nosebleeds bunch of fresh spinach leaves washed and finely ground. Then add a little sugar and brewed with a glass of hot water. When cold, filtered, and then taken 2 times a day.Overcoming Headaches bunch of fresh spinach leaves boiled in 2 cups of water until the remaining half then boiling water is drunk.Overcoming Hemorrhoid handful spinach roots washed and boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining half. After a cold, drink as much as 1/2 cup 2 times a day.Diuretic Handful of spinach roots boiled in water until the remaining second half. Then drink boiled water once a day.Reduce Dandruff bunch kale leaves soaked in water overnight to bluish water. Soaking water is used to wash every morning.Swollen gums overcome 200gr total root kale washed and boiled in 200 cc of water and vinegar 200cc. Once warm, boiled water is used to rinse your mouth.Overcome Eczema taste fresh kale leaves, washed and boiled in water for 5 minutes. Once warm, used to wash the affected part.Centipede bitten Kale leaves washed and added sugar to taste. Then milled until smooth. The powder is affixed on the bitten part centipede then bandaged.

Botanical nature of kale

Kale has the Latin name Ipomoea Aquatica Forsk of Family Convolvulacea. Kale leaves long and whitish green. Two types of kale cultivated is rabut and kale kale quotation. Rabut kale leaves arrowhead-shaped smooth and pale green and white flowers with the shape of the bag containing four seeds. While kale quotes have broad leaves and thin dark green and white flowers purple. Kale is a plant that grows quickly and can be harvested 4-6 weeks from seed. Kamgkung including vine-growing annual crops in the mud and wet places such as the edge of time, marshes or floating on the water. Commonly found in the lowlands to 1,000 masl. Kale plants originating from India, which then spread to Malaysia, Burma, Indonesia, South China, Australia, and Africa. In Indonesia, kale planted in Java, especially in West Java in District Muting Merauke, Papua, kale is a barn everyday life. In the district of Aceh Besar district Darussalam, kale land planted population for personal consumption and for sale to the market.

Ingredients and Benefits of Seaweed

Seaweed contains a lot of nutrients and nutrients such as amino acids, enzymes, nucleic acids, minerals, trace elements and vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, and K). Seaweed can improve hormonal working system, lymphatic, nerves, improve the function of the immune system, improve the cardiovascular system, and circulatory and digestive systems. Seaweed is rich in acid and nicotinamide laktoflavin. Seaweed also contains minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and manganese) of approximately 15%, which is absolutely necessary minerals to maintain the body's normal physiological function. Minerals in seaweed uga can help our body to maintain balance Ph organisms, beneficial to the development of children's growth and slow aging.

1. Anticancer
An American study revealed that premenopausal women in Japan have the opportunity three times less likely to develop breast cancer than American women. This is because the diet of Japanese women are always adding seaweed in their diet. In the 90s, researchers from the UK shows that seaweed can kill cancer cells and increase endurance. Algae protein contained in seaweed potential against tumors and lowers blood pressure.


Green sea algae contain chlorophyll which act as antioxidants, which helps the body to ward off free radicals.

3.Cardiovascular disease prevention 

Some Japanese researchers showed that seaweed extract can lower high blood pressure and for stroke patients, consume seaweed can help absorb the excess salt in the body.

Food DietSeaweed contains fiber (dietary fiber) high, so eating seaweed can keep your metabolism and digestion by forming gelatin and increase the water content in the feces. Seaweed fiber also can prevent colon cancer. Consumption of fiber can help fat metabolism, resulting in lower levels of cholesterol and blood sugar. Seaweeds also help treat peptic ulcers, colitis, constipation and other digestive disorders. While carbohydrates seaweed bersifay difficult to digest, so that the stomach feel full in time is relatively long. Some recent studies also found that seaweed can prevent obesity. While researchers from Newcastle University found that the natural fiber alginate, which is contained in seaweed, can reduce the absorption of more than 75% fat in the body. Iain Brownlee, researchers from Tyneside say that natural fibers can also be added to the daily food products; such as bread, biscuits, cakes, and yogurt to avoid bad fats in food are absorbed by the body completely. As traditional medicine, seaweed known to treat a cough, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, worms, abdominal pain, fever, rheumatism, and even believed to increase sexual power. The content yodiumnnya body needs to prevent mumps.

Seaweed Botanical nature

Seaweed, Thallophyta division, is a sea of ​​plants including algae and multicellular algae. Seaweed is not perfect because the plants do not have roots, stems and leaves. Morphology seaweed species Glacilaria called thallus, which has no real difference between the roots, stems and leaves, seaweed grows well on the sea floor can still be penetrated sunlight. Chlorophyll like ordinary plants and also other pigments. Where these pigments that distinguish between the types of seaweed. Seaweed is grouped into four classes based on the content of the pigment, which Rhodophyceae (red algae) m Phaeophyceae (brown algae), Chlorophyceae (green algae) and Cyanophyceae (blue-green algae). While commonly cultivated species of grass is Eucheuma, Hynea, gracillaria and Gelidium and Sargassum. The growth and spread of seaweed influenced by several factors, such as oceanography (physics, chemistry and dynamics of the sea) and the type of substrate essentially. For growth, seaweed take nutrients from the surroundings by diffusion through the wall of his thallus.
Breeding can be done in two ways, namely by mating between male gametes and female gametes (generative) and unmarried via vegetative spores konjugatif and dissemination of spores contained in the bag. Seaweed is widely used as an industrial raw material. For example, brown algae, which are used as raw material for ice cream, textile processing, pharmaceutical factory, shoe polish and paint factory. Red algae feedstock for the food industry, pharmaceutical, leather tanning and brewer. Seaweed also can be used as material for fertilizer, animal feed mixtures and cosmetic raw materials.

Ingredients and Benefits Shallots

In general, the benefits of onions is to treat the disease cough, irregular menstruation, diabetes, worming, fever and treat flatulence. Shallots are therapeutic, antibacterial, antifungal and contains various other components that are beneficial to health.
Here are some benefits of onion:
Nourish Hair
Applying onion juice into the scalp 2 times a week for 2 months will stimulate hair growth.

Lowering Blood Sugar Levels
An experiment showed that the content of Allyl propyl disulfide in onion role in lowering levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood increase the amount of free insulin. While other experiments with memnggunakan glucose administered orally and intravenously in a population group found that the higher the intake of onion, the lower glucose levels.
Maintain Heart Health
Red onions contain sulfur compounds, chromium and vitamin B6, which helps prevent heart disease by lowering homocysteine ​​levels. Because the content of the material, then the onion potentially lowering cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, thus preventing the formation of plaque on the walls of blood vessels, prevent heart disease and diabetes, as well as reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Prevent colon cancer
Consuming onion 2-3 times a week, can reduce the risk of colon cancer. This is because onions contain flavonoids, especially quercitin were shown to inhibit tumor growth in animals and protect colon cells from the ravages of cancer-promoting ingredients.

Benefits of Watercress

Watercress contains antioxidants, so it is anti-cancer, can improve the immune system and detoxify the body of toxins. In addition, watercress is also able to treat tuberculosis and scabies. Watercress is able to neutralize carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke. Therefore, by eating watercress, can inhibit the formation of NKK, ie carcinogenic substances in tobacco that trigger lung cancer, cancer of the mouth and throat. The ability of watercress in neutralizing substance is caused due karsiogenik watercress leaves containing PEITC (phenethyl Isothiocynate) which is a chemopreventive agent against lung cancer.Friday 16:58
Utilization of watercress leaves in various different countries. Lettuce leaf powder in India is used as sputum to treat bronchitis and liver disorders. While in Germany, watercress is used to treat urinary tract infections in children. Watercress leaves also have diuretic properties (laxative urine). Anemia, eczema, kidney and liver disorders, tumors, ulcers, and warts can also be overcome by consuming water lettuce because it contains antioxidants and fitiokimianya. Watercress leaves can also be used as a mask for acne, spots or black spots. Some articles say lettuce helps lower the risk of heart problems and stroke, reduce the risk of cataracts, helps reduce the risk of spina bifida (a type of abnormality of the spine disorders), helps the digestive and liver health and helps relieve symptoms of insomnia due to nervous tension In general, the benefits of lettuce to health are as follows: a. Helps digestion work b. Reduce the risk of cancer, tumors and cataracts c. Able to assist the formation of white blood cells and red blood cells in the bone marrow composition d. Overcoming anemia e. Help the healing process for people with stroke and heart problems f. When insomnia symptoms menghilankan want to consume raw lettuce, should be washed repeatedly until clean. Before processed or consumed, lettuce should be stored in the refrigerator. And before storage, lettuce should be dried first to prevent bacterial growth. If possible, lettuce wrapped in plastic to prevent contamination. To maintain the freshness of lettuce that are not easily rot, lettuce should not be stored too close to the fruits that can produce ethylene such as apples, bananas and pears. Roman lettuce lettuce can last for 5-7 days at low temperatures, whereas only 2-3 days butterhead 

Ingredients and Benefits Leaf Lettuce

Lettuce Leaf Lettuce Lactuca sativa has the Latin name of the Asteraceae family and genus Lactuva. Lettuce plants thought to have come from West Asia and America, then in the development spread to various countries such as the Caribbean, Malaysia, East Africa, Central Africa, West Africa and the Philippines. While some countries have developed and created a seed varieties are Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, the United States and the Netherlands. In Indonesia, lettuce yet berkembangan as commercial vegetable. However, some areas have started to develop the cultivation of lettuce, such as Cianjur and Lembang. During this time many people mistakenly assume lettuce leaf and same with watercress, lettuce when water comes from a different family. Lettuce leaves have green leaves, wavy edges and more delicious eaten raw. While watercress comes from the family Brassicaceae with the Latin name Nasturtium officinale. Watercress has a hollow stem leaves oblong-stemmed.
Ingredients and Benefits Leaf Lettuce
Lettuce contains beta carotene, folic acid, vitamins (A, C, E and K) and minerals (zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus and sodium) and bioflavonoids. Red lettuce contain vitamin A which is the highest compared with other types of lettuce. While the highest content of vitamin C found in Roman type of Lettuce. Vitamin K is most abundant in red leaf lettuce (red-leaf-salad). The function of vitamin K in the body is to assist the process of blood clotting, prevent heart disease and stroke because it works reduce hardening of the arteries due to plaque deposits of calcium. Folic acid in high enough lettuce. Consuming lettuce lettuce types of romance as much as 100 grams, then the need for folic acid will be met 34%. Folic acid is essential for the growth and regeneration of body cells. Pregnant women need more folic acid for anemia, as well as reducing resiki birth defects. Folic acid may also reduce levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Excessive homocysteine ​​can cause heart disease and liver. Bioflavonoids in lettuce functions such as vitamin C, which maintain endurance. Bioflavonoids also helps maintain the strength of the blood vessels that are not easily broken. Therefore, the lettuce is very good to prevent stroke.

Ingredients and Benefits of Asparagus Leaves for Health

  • Asperegine
    Is an essential amino acid for the digestive system and stimulates the kidneys remove waste from the body. However, excessive consumption of asparagus can cause the urine to be malodorous, because the occurrence of methyl mercaptan compounds with S-methyl-thiocarylate and S-methyl-3- thiopropionate
    Folic Acid
    Reducing congenital disorders (congenital malformations) in infants, preventing pelvic cancer, colon cancer and rectum, as well as useful for preventing cardiovascular diseases. Folic acid levels in asparagus reached 262.8 mg per cup. By consuming 1 cup asparagus can meet the body's need for 65.7% of folic acid every day3. AphrodisiacSubstances to stimulate the activity of the sexual organs, reduce pain during menstruation and increase male fertility.
    Vitamin C
    Increase endurance, helps prevent cancer and heart disease.

    Maintain heart function and blood pressure, maintain electrolyte balance in cells, stimulate decay gallstones and kidney stones, prostate cancer prevention and eliminate black spots skin. Alkali content in asparagus able to overcome the problem of acne and other skin disorders such as scabies and eczema

Botanical nature of Asparagus

Asparagus Officinalis of family and genus Asparagus Asparagaceae. This plant is classified into two monoecious plants (one plant is male and the other female). At first leaf asparagus grown in the US, especially North America, among others, the Valley of California, Sacramento, New Jersey, South Carolina and Illinois. Asparagus grows well in the highlands (600-900 masl) with optimum temperature between 15-25 degrees Celsius and rainfall is quite high and evenly distributed throughout the year (2,500-3,000 mm / year). Therefore, it is still rare plants grown in Indonesia.
Ingredients and Benefits Generally leaves asparagus Asparagus has the benefit of helping growth in children, ward off degenerative diseases and can be pleasing. Asparagus contains a variety of minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, copper) protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, folic acid vegetable, tryptophan and fiber. Asparagus is low-calorie vegetables and low in sodium and contains no fat or cholesterol. By consuming 1 cup asparagus 114.8% can meet the body's need for Vitamin C per day. Vitamin K is useful for prothrombin expenditure necessary for blood clotting. In addition, Vitamin C also helps in the synthesis process asteocalcin that can help prevent osteoporosis, helps convert glucose into dlikogen to be stored in the liver. Kathy Mc Manus, a nutritionist from Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston, said that asparagus is a natural diuretic which can release waste products from the body through urine. Fiber in asparagus able to bind carcinogens cause cancer. Fiber also helps digestion the body that help overcome the problems of constipation or bowel obstruction. In addition, the fiber has benefits for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood by inhibiting the absorption of fat or cholesterol in the large intestine, so that the levels of cholesterol in the blood is not increased. Too long boil asparagus leaves will change color and eliminate all the benefits of asparagus. In addition, at the time of processing asparagus, should be avoided using iron cookware because it will react with the tannin content of blow and cause discoloration of the asparagus.

Ingredients and Benefits Paprika

Paprika has the Latin name Capsicum annuum and originates from South America. In Indonesia, peppers widely cultivated in Java, Bali, and Lombok. There are various varieties of peppers by the color of the fruit, including paprika Green, Yellow, Red or Purple is often used as a mixed salad. Chili peppers included in the family just does not have the content Capsicin peppers, ie substances which cause a sense of spicy chili. The most common nutrient content in peppers is Carotene, Vitamin B and Vitamin C. While in green pepper, each 100 grams contains 0.9 grams of protein, 0.3 grams fat, 4.4 grams carbohydrates, calcium 7.0 mg, 0.4 mg iron, 22 mg phosphorus, vitamin A 540 IU, 22.0 mg of vitamin B1, vitamin B2 0.002 mg, 0.4 mg nyacin in vitamin C 160 mg.
Here are Some Benefits Paprika:

Improve Immune peppers contain nutrients that are very high, especially Vitamin C. Vitamin C in peppers is higher than the content of Vitamin C in oranges (30-50 mg per 100 grams). Among other types of peppers, red peppers contain vitamin C highest of 190 mg per 100 grams. Vitamin C is involved in several important processes of the body, ranging from fat transport, electron transport from various enzymatic reactions, manufacture kalogen (fibrous protein that forms connective tissue in the bone), hyper healthy gums, maintaining cholesterol levels, maintain immunity, wound healing and increase brain function in order to work optimallyPrevent Eye Disease In addition to vitamin C, peppers also contain vitamin A and beta carotene. Red peppers contain as many as 3,131 IU of Vitamin A. Again, the highest among other types of peppers. Vitamin A is beneficial to prevent eye disease, cell growth, immune system, reproductive, and maintaining healthy skin.
The content of beta-carotene Cancer Prevention in peppers prevent cancer, because beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant that stabilizes the carbon core radicals. The older age of the peppers, then the beta-carotene will be higher. In addition, peppers also contain lycopene. A study conducted at Yale University on 473 men found that men with prostate cancer who do not have more lycopene in their blood than those who are sick. While research at Harvard University in 2002, showed that men who consume large amounts of lycopene had a lower risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer.Improve Sperm Quality Lycopene in peppers is also beneficial to the reproductive system. Lycopene consumption, especially in the red peppers, is believed to improve the quality of reproduction. This is because lycopene increases sperm count, keeping the structure of the sperm, and increase the motility (movement) of sperm. Lycopene is one of the 650 types of carotenoids which are normally present in high concentrations in the testes. If lycopene concentration is low, it becomes one of the causes of male infertility (infertility).

Tips on Selecting, Processing and Storing Broccoli

  1. Broccoli processing Before processing broccoli should be rinsed first with cold water and should not be soaked. Because soak broccoli can eliminate most of the nutrients contained therein. Then, in order vitamins contained in broccoli is not lost, lightly cooked broccoli should be (no more than 5 minutes). Boil the broccoli will menghilankan 50% of folate in it. To reduce the possibility of the loss of nutrients in broccoli, it is recommended to process invitation way steamed broccoli. It maintains potency and efficacy of these vegetables. But if it must be boiled, the water can be used in an amount that is not too much, and boiled in a pot covered so as not many vitamins are lost through steam. Funds way is to cook the stems beforehand (approximately 1-2 minutes), followed by a cooking flowerets. This is because part of the stalk harder and takes longer to cook. To note, the content of sulforaphane in broccoli fresh will be higher than the boiled or steamed broccoli too ripe.
  2. Save Broccoli should be stored in plastic bags, were then put in the fridge. When will be saved, broccoli should not be washed.
  3. Selecting Broccoli To get all the nutrients that both the broccoli, then you should choose broccoli that is odorless, has a dark green color and clear textured and rough, still solid stem, bud (top) is still closed and yellowish. Broccoli florets part contains 8 times more beta carotene than the stalks.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Benefits of Broccoli to Prevent Cancer

Broccoli used to fight and prevent cancer. Anti-cancer agents contained therein are indole-3carbinol, isothiocyanate, glukosinolate, ditihiolthione, beta carotene and sulforaphane (these substances will form an enzyme that is able to fight cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and high blood pressure. Besides being able to prevent tumor development by 60% broccoli are also able to shrink the size of the tumor which has grown by 75%.
Indole-3-carbinol can increase the secretion of estrogen are tied to breast cancer cells. So today, women are encouraged to consume broccoli to prevent breast cancer and cervical cancer. Indole-3-carbinol also has a potential antiproliferative effect on prostate cancer cells.
Besides being able to cure prostate cancer, broccoli was able to restore vascular tissues damaged by diabetes.
Based on research from the University Warwyck, sulforaphane can elevate detoxification enzymes in the body, where the enzyme is able to alter gene expression, thus potentially eliminate carcinogenic substances more quickly. The results of the study revealed the compound sulforaphane activates the protein in the body known as the nrf2 that can protect cells and tissues from damage. Sulforaphane also protects genes potentially against colon cancer. How it works sulforaphane is shrink tumors, slows tumor growth and kill tumor cells. In addition, sulforaphane has the ability to kill Helicobacter pylori (bacteria working bully stomach). In medicine, the bacteria are a major cause of stomach infection.
The latest research and more specifically indicates that broccoli can reduce the risk of various digestive gangguang such as gastritis, gastric infections, and possibly stomach cancer. A Japanese study found that consuming 70 grams of fresh broccoli every day for two months may protect against opportunistic bacteria causes stomach ulcer disease, gastric infection and stomach cancer. Once again it is because broccoli contains sulforaphane.

Some experts also believe that sulforaphane has a role in restoring the blood vessels are damaged by high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) are strongly associated with diabetes. Thus, for diabetics, broccoli can be used as a substitute for rice, because it is a source of carbohydrates with a lower number of calories than rice.

Ingredients and Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli has a Latin name Brassica oleracea varitalica. Broccoli including cabbage family (Brassicaceae), which originally came from the middle of the sea. Broccoli began to enter Indonesia around 70s.
Broccoli including vegetables that are not resistant to heat. So that suitable broccoli grown in the highlands with low temperatures, ie above 700 masl. In addition, broccoli plants are exposed to continuous rain will change color to yellow and eventually rot with black speckled. Green broccoli flowers and small.
Broccoli flowers ready to be harvested 60-90 days after planting, when the flowers bloom and seed yet still green. If the flowers are in bloom, the flower stalk will elongate and forth blossoms yellow flowers. Broccoli can be propagated by seed.
Ingredients and Benefits of Broccoli
Broccoli contains water, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, minerals, vitamins A, C, E, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide, calcium, beta-carotene and glutathione. In addition, broccoli contains compounds Cyanohydroxybutane (CHB), Sulforaphan and iberin that stimulates the formation of glutathione.
Broccoli contains a low amount of calories, low in fat and contain no saturated fat. Besides broccoli contain no cholesterol, high in potassium and low in sodium. Broccoli also contains carotene, lutein.
Broccoli is a vegetable source of fiber, wherein the fiber is a substance that is good for the digestive system. Fiber in broccoli higher than bread wheat. In addition, broccoli also contains folate, a vitamin that is useful for pregnant women and the fetus.
Some of the vitamins contained in broccoli. One is vitamin C, which in broccoli levels are quite high, even higher than the vitamin C contained in an orange. Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron. High levels of vitamin C in broccoli can prevent the formation of cataracts and cure the flu. In addition, vitamin C and vitamin A in broccoli is useful as an antioxidant. Consuming antioxidants can improve the immune system, maintain youthful, lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and various infections. Vitamin K is contained in broccoli are also important for strong bones and helps blood clot. In addition, the benefits of broccoli in very good skin rejuvenation for the revitalization evitelvitamin A can inhibit the aging of the skin.
While based on research, broccoli calcium content is almost equivalent to the calcium in a glass of milk (71.8 mg of calcium broccoli calcium equivalent to 120 ml of milk)

Bibit Durian Musang King

Bagi penggemar buah durian, Durian Musang King adalah salah satu durian dengan rasa mantap yang banyak dicari. Teksturnya lembut dengan warna kuning keemasan, tidak ada serat sehingga legit ketika dimakan, kering dan sangat lembut. Rasanya manis dengan sedikit pahit sehingga benar-benar memanjakan Anda penikmat buah yang terkenal dengan sebutan raja buah ini.

Durian jenis ini mempunyai 3 batang bawah dengan perakaran yang kuat, yang akan mensuplai makanan dan unsur hara ke batang utama sehingga pohon durian akan cepat besar, tumbuh dengan cepat dengan buah yang lebat.

Tiga kaki pada bibit durian unggul ini adalah berasal dari satu buah bibit Durian Musang King sebagai batang utama, ditopang dengan 2 batang durian lokal dengan kualitas unggul disambung menjadi satu. Sedangkan batang atas diambilkan diokulasi dengan tanaman durian Musang King dewasa dengan buah yang berkualitas.

PENTING!!! : "Untuk pembelian bibit 10 Kg – 40 Kg kami sangat menyarankan anda untuk menambahkan produk Packingan Kayu, agar keamanan lebih terjamin."

Nama : Durian Musang King Kaki Tiga (DMKKT)
Nama Ilmiah : Durio sp
Asal Daerah : Negara Malaysia
Asal Bibit : Hasil okulasi
Ukuran bibit : 30 - 70cm.
Kebutuhan Sinar Matahari : Penyinaran sepanjang hari
Berbuah : 3 – 5 tahun
Ukuran jika tanam dalam pot : diameter lubang 60cm

Harga Rp 100.000

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