Saturday 31 January 2015

The origin of Apple

Apple is a fruit that could easily be encountered in various places. Either at the roadside fruit vendors or in the supermarket. Apple has more than 7000 types worldwide. The Latin name of this fruit is Malus domesticus, in general good apples can body in the cold and cool.Botanical nature Apples
Apple trees can grow up to 10 meters, but is now mostly shaped like a shrub pruned shrub with a height of only 2 to 3 meters.
Botanical nature Apples
A. Leaves and Stems
Leaves of apple trees is a single leaf, brushy and circular spread along the branch. Leaves oblong shape with a pointed tip. Light green leaf color. The tree has a little branch. And branches tend upward direction. Having hardwood and easily pliable.
B. Flowers
The apple tree has a single or clustered flowers are white clean. Flowers come out at the end of the generative shoots (shoots blunt) that grow from each eye at each branch segment. Naturally, these plants bloom only once a year after a drought. The flowers are grown with cross-pollination by bees and green flies.
C. Fruit
Apples are round to oval, hard but crisp, and has a moisture content less. When the fruit is old, there is a red color, yellow, and green. Apples have a little seed and small so that the fruit is dominated by meat.
D. Root
These plants include the owner taproot and root side is not too much. Type of apple tree root is a root that extends deep into and strong. So this tree include strong and not easily broken down by the wind or shock


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