Saturday 31 January 2015

The Origin of Guava

Guava is a fruit that is very thrives in Indonesia. Although widely spread in Indonesia, but this plant is not native to Indonesia. Guava is derived from Tropical America with Latin name Psidium Guajava. This plant can grow well in lowland and highland. And is able to grow in all types of soil from the barren soil types especially more on arable land. In fact, these plants are able to grow on rocky ground that is known as Pioneer plants. Guava tree is a much-branched shrubs. Grow as shrubs, even on the slopes of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta, guavas grow wild like a forest.
Guava is easy to spread as much usefulness. The leaves are used to cure diarrhea. While the wood can be used as firewood. Fresh fruit is sweet and can also be used as a remedy for dengue fever to increase levels of blood platelets.
The nature of Botany
A. The leaves and stems
Leaf shape varies greatly, there is little long with a tapered tip, there are oval with a blunt tip. All the leaves in pairs and face sit on the petiole together. Dark green leaf color and leaf veins stand out rude. Guava tree is able to grow to 8 feet. Habitusnya scattered, unfocused with many branches. Horizontal to inclined downwards. Strong branches are not easily broken and easily curved. Bark gray slick and easy to peel yellowish new molted.
B. Flowers
Pink flower is a flower type sex perfect (hermaphrodite), capable of cross-pollinated with other types of guava. Cashew loud, difficult to digest in the stomach. Therefore, children are not allowed to swallow it when eating cashew.
C. Fruit
Average guava fruit is round or oval. With large fruit that varied depending on the type of Jambu. However, most of the fruit size is only as big as a fist adults. In general, green fruit when young and becomes yellow when ripe (old). Young fruit can be made flour guava, while the ripe fruit can be made into juice, jelly, and nectar (very high nutritious drinks).
D. Root
Guava tree roots, including the type taproot in to be able to withstand strong shock. And this tree is very suitable as a plant holder erosion


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