Saturday 31 January 2015

Botanical nature Durian

Durian has a Latin name Bombacaceae This fruit comes from Southeast Asia, particularly Malaysia and Indonesia. In Thailand, durian agribusiness has developed very well. Meanwhile, in Indonesia durian in agribusiness development in a special garden is still limited.
Botany properties Durian
A. The leaves and branches

Location of opposite leaves on the stalk. Leaf blade length and tapered. Lower leaf surface shiny silvery. Growth tends to branch above (vertical). However, the primary branch of the bottom of the tree inclined sideways (horizontal).
B. Root
Duria plant has a taproot and side roots are strong and deep. Such rooting to prevent slope erosion.
C. Flower
The flowers are large brtbrntuk bowl with stamens and yellow crown of gold to red. The flowers are perfect or hermaphrodite.

Flowers out singly or in groups on the primary branch to the secondary branch (branch). Location of interest depend on long stalks. Plants from seed to flower at the age of 8-15 years, whereas grafting seedlings at the age of 5-7 years.
Flowers bloom in the afternoon. Cross-pollination by bats help search of honey, but some kind of beetle could be expected to also help cross. Cross-pollination by bats lasts midnight. Self-pollination occurs between 5-10%
D. Fruit
Ripe fruit can be harvested at 4-5 months after the flowers bloom. These plants generally bloom in September-November. Drupe much between 1-40 seeds. Bind fruit flesh seeds contained within the fruit (pie). Meat grown fruit from seed tissue called arilus. Shape of a round to oval and spiny sharp pointy. The fruit has 1-7 rooms. Each chamber contained 1-6 pieces (pongge). Each pongge contains one filled seeds or deflated.


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