Saturday 31 January 2015

Longan Fruit Botanical nature

The origin of Longan Fruit
Longan (Euphoria Langan) or now known as Dimocarpus Longan Lour has many names synonymous. This plant is thought to have come from Myanmar, then spread to South China, Taiwan, and Northern Thailand. But wild types are found in East Kalimantan with the name of the book, ihaw, medaru, latrines or cat's eye. Plants that are close to the family of lychee or longan is Lichi (Dimocarpus Litchi Litchi Chinensis Sonn Lour or, which grows in the highlands) and Matoa (Pometia Pinnata). Different longan fruit with lychee fruit as smooth skinned litchi fruit. In Indonesia, there longan around Waterford and Magelang. Meanwhile, lychees are in Bali. Papua Matoa a special plant whose fruit of chicken eggs kate, smooth hard shell brittle, brownish such as litchi and sweet taste. Matoa grow rapidly with broad leaves and long and deep rough.
Botany properties Longan
Longan is a forest plant that can reach 40 m. This plant is good to prevent slope erosion.
A. Leaves and Stems
Habitusnya very interesting, like an umbrella canopy shape. Leafy, leaf-like rambutan, namely small, long with a tapered tip and dark. The stem is much branched, branches horizontal direction and meetings.
B. Flowers
Flowers monoecious two, but some are monoecious (hermaphroditic). Male plants have only stamens (staminate) alone without showing the pistil (pistil). In flowering plants that are perfect there are females and males. However, on the other monoecious plants, both flowers genital functioning normally. The flowers are generally contained in the cluster out at the ends of branches and stand upright. Thus, from the outside it looks nice on the leaf canopy. Flowers and fruit aromatic vulnerable specific so his bat. Typically, cross-pollinated flowers with intermediaries honeybees, ants and flies. Longan farmers generally use the land under litchi crop to maintain honey bees in the hive (Glodok) to take honey. Once flowering plants, usually in the month of August to October. Ripe fruit four months after the flowers bloom.
C. Fruit
Shape of a generally round to oval and green. Once ripe, the fruit lightly browned. Seeds one, round and blackish in color. Seeds can not be stored long as it is quick to germinate after being released from the meat. The meat tasted sweet fruit and fragrant


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