Monday 16 February 2015

Duku Fruit Cultivation

To cultivate duku is necessary to note the following

Varieties Duku
Yielding varieties are recommended to be developed is rasuan (Palembang). Other superior varieties are Condet (Sunday Market) and Matesih (Karanganyar). Varieties Duku Palembang (Ogan Ogan) is very popular because almost no seeds and sweet taste.
Plant cultivation Duku
Duku planted at a spacing of 6-8 meters in the planting hole measuring 60 cm x 60 cm x 50 cm. Each hole mature manure as much as 20 kg / hole. Seedlings planted at the age of 1-2 years or after reaching a height of 75 cm more.
Artificial fertilizer in the form of a mixture of 100 g of urea, 50 g of P2 O5 and 50 g KCl / plant was given four times at intervals of three months. Once planted, the seedlings should be given shade with thatch or straw. Conditions in the area around the seedlings should be kept moist.
In the dry season it is recommended around the stem of the plant was given a dry straw mulch. Mulch should not cover the base of the stem. This is to prevent termite infestation are not visible and prevent neck stem is too wet. Subsequent maintenance is cleaning plant stem bark of moss and parasites. Seedlings from seeds begin to bear fruit at the age of 8-17 years, depending on maintenance. Usually flowering plants in December-January.
Duku Plant Pests and Diseases
Important pests on plants Duku is mealybug (Pseudococcus Lepelleyi) are often attacked Mudan leaves and fruit borer duku, which causes cavities and fall duku before ripe. Diseases that attack plants Duku is a branch dieback fungus (Gloeosporium Gloeosporoides) and brown spots on the fruit caused by anthracnose. Bats and mice are animals that can damage the fruit. Therefore, young duku must diberongsong with bongsang custom made or wrapped in a sack.
The disease rarely expressed in plants Duku is chicken scratch disease. Symptoms, at the end of the growing crop of short shoots, meetings, bergelombol, and bends. Allegedly this disease is caused by sap-sucking insect puncture (Helopeltis). As a result, the end of the diseased branches are not able to grow lengthwise. If the condition of fertile land, from the end of the bundle shoots often grow new shoots to look very attractive as a garnish. These pests can be eradicated by spraying insecticides Tamaron 0.3% and ends bundle branch cut (removed and cleaned).Harvest and Crop Duku
Duku fruit can be harvested after the old (mature tree), ie, after the age of six months after anthesis (anthesis). Fruit color becomes yellowish, thin skin, sap a little, and rather soft. The fruit is harvested by cutting the stalk bunches (stalk) and should not be dropped to the ground. Yields may reach 100-600 kg / tree / year. Harvest season between the months of February to April.
Fruit trade Duku
Production duku Indonesia in 2010, 2011 and 2012, respectively reach 228 816 tonnes, 171 113 tonnes and 248 146 tonnes. Criteria duku high quality, the thin skin, clean, yellowish color, no seeds, sweet and uniform magnitude. Duku has high economic value, so that agribusiness can be a source of income for the community, because the selling price is high both in the domestic market and for export. Duku Indonesian exports abroad in 2002 reached 16 921 kg with a value of US $ 6,313, in 2003 rose to 21 044 kg with a value of US $ 12,622.
Most production duku still consumed domestically. This is because the quality is not yet fully meet the market demand. With fruit dipped in a solution duku Benomyl 4 g / l of water and keep the fruit at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius and humidity of 85-90% can extend the shelf life of fruit for two weeks.
Duku Fruit Production Centers
1. Jakarta: Condet2. Central Java: Lebaksiu, Branti, Kaligondang, Mrebet, Kejombang, Matesih3. East Java Singosari4. North Sumatra: Rantau Prapat, Mulberry5. West Sumatra: Sijunjung, Air Haji6. Riau: Bangkinang7. southern Sumatra: Ogan Ogan, Mount Megang, Muara Enim, Prabumulih8. Jambi Jambi.


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