Tuesday 10 February 2015

Benefits of Basil

Basil plant has the Latin name Ocimum Canum which is a member of the family Lamiaceae (plants with flowers lipped). Related to plant basil basil (Ocimun Sancium), mint (Mentha arvensis) and cumin leaves (Coleus amboinicus).
While in Indonesia, there is a common basil is Ocimum Basillicum developed. Due to the growing shrubby, then grouped in a basil basil bush (bush basil).
Typical aroma of basil leaves emerge from the leaves. Mudan green basil leaves and white flowers. This vegetable has a fragrant aroma and distinctive taste. Basil can be grown in all regions in Indonesia, which has the properties of acid soil. Basil is also able to grow, both in hot or cold weather. However, basil grown in cooler regions leaves wider and more green. While growing basil leaves in hot regions is small, thin and pale green. Basil plants propagated by seeds. Seeds obtained from the ripe fruit basil in the trunk. Characteristic of the old seed is black and dry. Fifty days after planting and basil has to be learned.
Regular basil leaves used for herbs. Its function is to provide a fresh and fragrant flavor to dishes. Some people call with basil leaves. Basil leaves similar to sweet basil leaves, so some people are often confused between basil and sweet basil leaves.
In some regions in Indonesia and even in restaurants, basil is often used for vegetables. For cooking with basic ingredients of fish, basil leaves can be mixed just before cooking removed from the fire, to make cooking more fresh.


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