Saturday 21 February 2015

Botanical nature of Asparagus

Asparagus Officinalis of family and genus Asparagus Asparagaceae. This plant is classified into two monoecious plants (one plant is male and the other female). At first leaf asparagus grown in the US, especially North America, among others, the Valley of California, Sacramento, New Jersey, South Carolina and Illinois. Asparagus grows well in the highlands (600-900 masl) with optimum temperature between 15-25 degrees Celsius and rainfall is quite high and evenly distributed throughout the year (2,500-3,000 mm / year). Therefore, it is still rare plants grown in Indonesia.
Ingredients and Benefits Generally leaves asparagus Asparagus has the benefit of helping growth in children, ward off degenerative diseases and can be pleasing. Asparagus contains a variety of minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, copper) protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, folic acid vegetable, tryptophan and fiber. Asparagus is low-calorie vegetables and low in sodium and contains no fat or cholesterol. By consuming 1 cup asparagus 114.8% can meet the body's need for Vitamin C per day. Vitamin K is useful for prothrombin expenditure necessary for blood clotting. In addition, Vitamin C also helps in the synthesis process asteocalcin that can help prevent osteoporosis, helps convert glucose into dlikogen to be stored in the liver. Kathy Mc Manus, a nutritionist from Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston, said that asparagus is a natural diuretic which can release waste products from the body through urine. Fiber in asparagus able to bind carcinogens cause cancer. Fiber also helps digestion the body that help overcome the problems of constipation or bowel obstruction. In addition, the fiber has benefits for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood by inhibiting the absorption of fat or cholesterol in the large intestine, so that the levels of cholesterol in the blood is not increased. Too long boil asparagus leaves will change color and eliminate all the benefits of asparagus. In addition, at the time of processing asparagus, should be avoided using iron cookware because it will react with the tannin content of blow and cause discoloration of the asparagus.


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