Tuesday 10 February 2015

Duku: Ingredients and Benefits

Duku is a fruit that is thought to have originated from the western part of South East Asia. The fruit is DAPT found from the Gulf of Thailand to the east coast of Borneo. Duku fruit is a fruit that grows well in tropical areas. The Latin name of this fruit is derived from the family domesticum Lansium Meliacea.
In Indonesia, duku has a name that is different as complexioned, kokosan, pisitan, celoring and others with different variations. Name is the name of a diverse variety of cultivars also indicates that defined by the shape of fruit and trees are different.
In general, there are two groups duku. Who makes his first and second as Duku called complexioned. Then there is a mixed group of both of them are called Duku complexioned, and the last group known as kokosan.
As with some other types of fruit, fruit duku also has a variety of varieties, for example Ogan, Matesih, Condet and Kalikajar. But all these varieties are now grown scattered across Indonesia with centers in Java and Sumatra (south).
Duku growing period is about 6 months. Usually the tree will begin to bloom in September or October (the beginning of the rainy season) and will grow into duku in February or March. So duku is seasonal fruit (once a year). While still raw, green-skinned fruit duku and gummy, and if the meat is eaten will taste sour. While duku mature skin with a yellowish fruit flesh is sweet.
Ingredients and Benefits of Fruit Duku
Each 100 grams of duku calories 70 cal, 1.0 grams protein, 0.2 grams fat, 13 grams carbohydrates, 0.7 grams of minerals, 18 Mg calcium, phosphorus and iron 0.9 mg 9mg. In addition, duku also contain dietary fiber or fiber is beneficial for improving the digestive system, preventing colon cancer and rid the body of cancer-causing free radicals.
In addition to the fruit which contain substances that are beneficial to the body, the skin and seeds duku also useful as anti-diarrhea medicine raw materials, reduce fever and worming.
Duku bark is also often used to treat poisonous insect bites, cure dysentery and diarrhea. In Filifina, skin duku dried and burned to be used as a mosquito repellent.
In addition, the bark is used as a cure dysentery and malaria; while the bark powder was used as a poultice to treat scorpion bites.


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