Saturday 21 February 2015

Ingredients and Benefits of Asparagus Leaves for Health

  • Asperegine
    Is an essential amino acid for the digestive system and stimulates the kidneys remove waste from the body. However, excessive consumption of asparagus can cause the urine to be malodorous, because the occurrence of methyl mercaptan compounds with S-methyl-thiocarylate and S-methyl-3- thiopropionate
    Folic Acid
    Reducing congenital disorders (congenital malformations) in infants, preventing pelvic cancer, colon cancer and rectum, as well as useful for preventing cardiovascular diseases. Folic acid levels in asparagus reached 262.8 mg per cup. By consuming 1 cup asparagus can meet the body's need for 65.7% of folic acid every day3. AphrodisiacSubstances to stimulate the activity of the sexual organs, reduce pain during menstruation and increase male fertility.
    Vitamin C
    Increase endurance, helps prevent cancer and heart disease.

    Maintain heart function and blood pressure, maintain electrolyte balance in cells, stimulate decay gallstones and kidney stones, prostate cancer prevention and eliminate black spots skin. Alkali content in asparagus able to overcome the problem of acne and other skin disorders such as scabies and eczema


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