Monday 16 February 2015

Ingredients and Benefits of Carrots

Carrot Daucus Carota has the Latin name of the family Apiaceae and included in the vegetable plants. Carrots can be grown throughout the year, especially in mountainous areas that have cold temperatures and humid, more or less at the height of 1200 meters above sea level with the soil loose and fertile. Carrots have a wet leaf stems that form a set of midrib (petiole) arising from the base of the fruit of the top (the root).
Several types of carrot are:
a. Type Mantes, namely carrot result of a combination of the type of carrot imperator and chantenang. Bulbs distinctive orange-colored carrot root.
B. Type imperator, ie carrots which have a root tuber length with a tapered tip and taste less sweet.
C. Type chantenang, namely carrots which have a root tuber elliptic and sweet.
Ingredients and Benefits of Carrots
Fresh carrots contained in the water, carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, ash, anti-cancer substance, sugar (fructose, sucrose, dextrose and maltose), pectin, glutanion minerals, vitamins, and asparagine. In addition, carrots also contain bisabolene, tigliat acid and geraniol.
Ingredients mebuat famous carrot is vitamin A and beta carotene found in high quantities. Beta carotene belongs to a class karotenoida and has identified more than 600 different types of carotenoids. Between lai are well known in the medical world is carotene, lutein and lycopene. Beta carotene in the body to form vitamin A according to the needs of the body, so that eating carrots is an easy way to get vitamin A.
Among other types of vegetables that beta-carotene in carrots is the highest of about 12,000 IU. While the body's need for beta-carotene per day is 15,000 IU-25,000 IU.
While a study of the National Cancer Institute connecting high content of beta carotene in carrots with cancer prevention. This is due to its antioxidant properties that fight the destructive nature of cancer cells. In addition, beta-carotene helps the immune system that produces Natural Killer Cells (NKC).
One more study conducted in Canada by the participants as much as 50 people aged over 65 years. All participants get the nutrition that contain beta-carotene and vitamin E in the extra amount. After some time, they become more rarely experienced stone colds, flu and other infections than those who did not use supplements.
Carrot leaf containing porphyrins useful to stimulate the glands secrete sex hormones pituary. Wild carrot seeds contain flavonoids, menyak evaporate including asarone, carotol, pinene and limonene.
Carrots help children overcome digestive gangunagna such as constipation, hemorrhoids, stomach cramps and diarrhea. While the carrot juice is drunk regularly can destroy kidney stones, reduce uric acid and overcome hepatitis. In addition, shredded carrots supplemented with honey can also be used as a mask to soften the skin.


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