Thursday 5 February 2015

The Origin of Papaya

Papaya fruit is oval shaped very famous all over the world, including in Indonesia. Papaya is a plant that originated from Latin America which has a tropical climate. The Latin name of Carica Papaya papaya is. And in Indonesia is very easy plant to grow and bear fruit because of the tropical climate in Indonesia is similar to the country of origin of papaya plants. This plant can grow in almost any place, either in the yard, yards, gardens, rice fields and even capable of growing in pots.
Botany properties Papaya
Papaya plants shaped shrub that can grow up to 3 meters high. What is unique about this plant is that every part has a sap that contains papain. In the eyes of the stem segments are able to grow into new shoots.
A. Leaves and Stems
Uniquely shaped leaves of the papaya plant and menjari with long stems hollow like a pipe so easily broken. So also with the trunk because the core stem cell in the form of soft cork and watery. In the rainy season the plants to grow rapidly so that the stem and petiole can be elongated with a maximum size. Whereas in the dry season stems and stalks are only able to grow short.
B. Flowers
Papaya flowers out of the axillary, single or in a series. The flowers there are unisexual (female / pistil or male / stamen course) but there is also the perfect androgynous (hermaphroditic) having a pistil and stamens are fertile. Papaya is a cross pollinating plants with intermediate wind. Small trumpet-shaped flowers. Yellowish petals. This interest is not favored by insects because sap contained in it can be deadly. Consequently, papaya seeds will always produce plants yan diverse.
C. Fruit
This plant has a larger fruit (under normal conditions) oval and elongated, but in some kind of fruit is oval. Papaya fruit sap contains quite a lot. In young fruit will sap more but getting closer to the old (Matan), the sap levels will be reduced. Sap contained in papaya plants (fruits, leaves, and stems) contains papain which is a proteolytic (protein remodel). Papaya fruit has seeds that are very much present in the fruit cavity width. The seeds are small seeds are black and white. For the black seed is the embryo of a new plant if grown papaya. While white seeds are seeds that can not grow into new plants.
D.Akar Papaya
Papaya plant roots and root taproot manifold side is soft and somewhat superficial. The roots of papaya grows, tend to be flat with a number that is not much that is weak. With conditions like the roots of this plant is prone to collapse.


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