Saturday 21 February 2015

Ingredients and Benefits of Seaweed

Seaweed contains a lot of nutrients and nutrients such as amino acids, enzymes, nucleic acids, minerals, trace elements and vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, and K). Seaweed can improve hormonal working system, lymphatic, nerves, improve the function of the immune system, improve the cardiovascular system, and circulatory and digestive systems. Seaweed is rich in acid and nicotinamide laktoflavin. Seaweed also contains minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and manganese) of approximately 15%, which is absolutely necessary minerals to maintain the body's normal physiological function. Minerals in seaweed uga can help our body to maintain balance Ph organisms, beneficial to the development of children's growth and slow aging.

1. Anticancer
An American study revealed that premenopausal women in Japan have the opportunity three times less likely to develop breast cancer than American women. This is because the diet of Japanese women are always adding seaweed in their diet. In the 90s, researchers from the UK shows that seaweed can kill cancer cells and increase endurance. Algae protein contained in seaweed potential against tumors and lowers blood pressure.


Green sea algae contain chlorophyll which act as antioxidants, which helps the body to ward off free radicals.

3.Cardiovascular disease prevention 

Some Japanese researchers showed that seaweed extract can lower high blood pressure and for stroke patients, consume seaweed can help absorb the excess salt in the body.

Food DietSeaweed contains fiber (dietary fiber) high, so eating seaweed can keep your metabolism and digestion by forming gelatin and increase the water content in the feces. Seaweed fiber also can prevent colon cancer. Consumption of fiber can help fat metabolism, resulting in lower levels of cholesterol and blood sugar. Seaweeds also help treat peptic ulcers, colitis, constipation and other digestive disorders. While carbohydrates seaweed bersifay difficult to digest, so that the stomach feel full in time is relatively long. Some recent studies also found that seaweed can prevent obesity. While researchers from Newcastle University found that the natural fiber alginate, which is contained in seaweed, can reduce the absorption of more than 75% fat in the body. Iain Brownlee, researchers from Tyneside say that natural fibers can also be added to the daily food products; such as bread, biscuits, cakes, and yogurt to avoid bad fats in food are absorbed by the body completely. As traditional medicine, seaweed known to treat a cough, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, worms, abdominal pain, fever, rheumatism, and even believed to increase sexual power. The content yodiumnnya body needs to prevent mumps.


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