Tuesday 10 February 2015

Ingredients and Benefits of Spinach

Spinach including crops, from Central America to the tropical climate. At first, spinach used as a food plant source of protein, especially by developing countries. While spinach is commonly known as a vegetable only in East Asia and Southeast Asia, so in English referred to as Chinese Amaranth
The structure of spinach plants shaped upright with some bush-shaped lateral branches. Plant height can reach 1.5 meters. The trunk watery green to reddish. Spinach leaves have stalks that are oval, limp, green, red or green vaginal discharge. Bone leaves a clear, green or reddish. The flowers are shaped grains, while the seeds are black, small and hard.
Ingredients and Benefits of Spinach
Spinach contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, iron, amarantin, routine, purines, chlorophyll, fithohormon and vitamins (A through K, especially vitamin B which increases energy). Therefore, spinach useful to help improve kidney function, digestion, overcome low blood pressure, anemia, strengthens hair roots, purify the blood after childbirth and prevent bone loss.
Iron contained in spinach has a direct and important role to overcome fatigue. Iron also helps carry oxygen throughout the body. Without sufficient oxygen supply, cell metabolism will slow down and even stop the body. Moreover, low iron can cause anemia. Furthermore, anemia causes symptoms of fatigue, lack of energy, weakness, difficulty concentrating, apathy, insomnia and loss of appetite.
Associated with iron, spinach is also a source of vitamin C, which terlibab in the absorption of iron by the body. Spinach also contains minerals, such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. Magnesium is involved in many enzymatic reactions in the body, has an important role in the cardiovascular system, digestive, nervous, muscle, kidney, liver, and brain and plays an important role in energy production. When the body is deficient in magnesium, the brain and the body feels weak and slow rhythms of the body work.
Symptoms of deficiency of magnesium (hypomagnesemia), among others, depression, muscle weakness, muscle cramps, muscle spasms, body tegangm lack of energy, fatigue, insomnia, confusion, and loss of appetite, and if the lab test it will show a blood sugar imbalance.
While potassium serves to maintain muscle and nerve function. Symptoms of potassium deficiency (hypokalemia), among others, muscle weakness, confusion and fatigue Hypokalemia can occur if when the body is dehydrated and physical exhaustion.
The fibers are also contained in spinach can prevent semmbelit, hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome.
Spinach is believed to overcome health problems, although not many studies that prove these properties. Among the health problems that can be answered by eating spinach, among others:
1. Overcoming low blood pressure2. Preventing renal failure3. Clean the blood after childbirth4. Preventing anemia5. Strengthening the hair roots6. Prevents cataracts and decreased vision7. Prevent Cancer


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