Monday 16 February 2015

Botanical nature of fruit Duku

Botany properties Duku
Duku is a forest plant trees towering up to 30 m. This plant is not too big and hardwood. Sap sap duku less than tan, tan while sap less than pisitan.
A. Leaves and Branches
Duku leaves thicker than olive leaf or pisitan. Duku leaf width with a rather blunt tip. Light green leaf color. Branches leaning over and short so far canopy of specific looks like a cylinder. Spesifikm stem color is whitish gray. Its branches are dry regas, ie, easily broken and hard.
B. Flowers

Flowers duku very similar to olive, olive flower only often found in long bunches. Duku there are clustered flowers and some are in bunches. Meanwhile, interest pisitan almost entirely contained in bunches and meetings, many white gummy. There are similar plants pisitan the long stems like strands, but the fruit is smaller and slightly sour taste. This plant is called Rambai.
Duku have perfect flowers (hermaphrodites). Flowers appear depend on the branches and twigs. Flowers are cross-pollinated with the help of a kind of insect pollinators, including honeybees. These plants start flowering after ten years old. Flowers appear on the nodes along the branches, branches and twigs productive.
C. Fruit
Duku fruit is round to oval. Nipple fruit color yellowish to light yellow. Young fruit produce sap, but not gummy old fruit. Olive fruit gummy sap little while kokosan much. Each fruit has seeds 0-2. Duku seeds are poliembrioni up to 50%. Seeds are bitter, sweet to sour flesh. Plants duku begin to bear fruit at the age of 12-17 years.
D. Root
Duku plant has a taproot and root side slightly, but strong and deep.


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