Wednesday 18 February 2015

Benefits of Broccoli to Prevent Cancer

Broccoli used to fight and prevent cancer. Anti-cancer agents contained therein are indole-3carbinol, isothiocyanate, glukosinolate, ditihiolthione, beta carotene and sulforaphane (these substances will form an enzyme that is able to fight cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and high blood pressure. Besides being able to prevent tumor development by 60% broccoli are also able to shrink the size of the tumor which has grown by 75%.
Indole-3-carbinol can increase the secretion of estrogen are tied to breast cancer cells. So today, women are encouraged to consume broccoli to prevent breast cancer and cervical cancer. Indole-3-carbinol also has a potential antiproliferative effect on prostate cancer cells.
Besides being able to cure prostate cancer, broccoli was able to restore vascular tissues damaged by diabetes.
Based on research from the University Warwyck, sulforaphane can elevate detoxification enzymes in the body, where the enzyme is able to alter gene expression, thus potentially eliminate carcinogenic substances more quickly. The results of the study revealed the compound sulforaphane activates the protein in the body known as the nrf2 that can protect cells and tissues from damage. Sulforaphane also protects genes potentially against colon cancer. How it works sulforaphane is shrink tumors, slows tumor growth and kill tumor cells. In addition, sulforaphane has the ability to kill Helicobacter pylori (bacteria working bully stomach). In medicine, the bacteria are a major cause of stomach infection.
The latest research and more specifically indicates that broccoli can reduce the risk of various digestive gangguang such as gastritis, gastric infections, and possibly stomach cancer. A Japanese study found that consuming 70 grams of fresh broccoli every day for two months may protect against opportunistic bacteria causes stomach ulcer disease, gastric infection and stomach cancer. Once again it is because broccoli contains sulforaphane.

Some experts also believe that sulforaphane has a role in restoring the blood vessels are damaged by high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) are strongly associated with diabetes. Thus, for diabetics, broccoli can be used as a substitute for rice, because it is a source of carbohydrates with a lower number of calories than rice.


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