Monday 23 February 2015

Botanical nature of melon fruit

Origins of Fruit Melon
Like the plants watermelon, melon was not native to Indonesia. However, it has now spread throughout the world, including Indonesia. Before 1990, the melon was a stranger to the population of Indonesia, but now has become the subject of "dessert" are popular. The fruit is often served at the party places alone or together with watermelon, papaya and pineapple.
Botany properties Melon
Melon plants is very similar to watermelon, which is highly branched, but more subtle feather stems. Melon stem is shorter than a watermelon. Melon seeds collected in the middle of the cavity of the fruit, while watermelon seed spread in the flesh.
A. Leaves and Stems
Bercanggap melon leaf width (notched), being rather short. Melon stem has a tool holder for climbing. There are varieties of melon leaf edge wavy and not bercanggap.
B. Flowers
Melon flowers monoecious and unisexual. The flowers appear first and the fifth is usually the male flowers. Honeybees and bluebottle's role in the pollination of flowers.
C. Fruit
Melons are generally round, although there is a long and does not contain a lot of water. Type melon aplenty, of which there is a green-skinned, yellow, and yellowish white. However, there are basically three types of fruit that fruit whose skin berjaring (net), skin berjaring not clear and smooth skin with no sign of the net. In Malang, there is a type of fruit called a cantaloupe melon. Cantaloupe fruit grooved like pumpkin. Melon skin grooved among fatoso and Durine. All melon fruit with seed lot, collected in a cavity filled with mucus fruit. Mucus is sweet, chewy and not much water. There are varieties of melons whose skin is black with greenish flesh, for example tendral verde.
D. Root
Melon plants are not much different from the watermelon, has a taproot and many side roots and somewhat in. Side roots in the form of fibers which are numerous, powerful and long.


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