Monday 16 February 2015

The origin of cabbage

Cabbage Brassica oleracea var has latin. Capitata of the family Cruciferae. Cabbage cultivation is growing plant once a year (annual). However, to obtain the seeds, the cabbage plants are allowed to grow as a biannual (twice a year). These vegetables can be grown in lowland and upland with an average rainfall of 850-900 mm.
Cabbage leaves are round, oval to oblong, rosette forming a thick root, leaf color various kinds, for example white (forma alba) green, red and purple (forma rubra). At a young age, waxy leaves of cabbage grows straight, while the next leaves grow bent, cover the young leaves the latter grows. Fresh cabbage leaves have a flavor that is crunchy and crisp so that it can be eaten as a salad of raw and cooked, mixed salad, made disayur or ointment.
The leaves will stop growing when it formed the crop or the egg (head) and crop beside the cabbage buds (Brussels sprouts). With age, the crop will be broke and out of long-stemmed flower panicles, branched, small-leaved, upright crown and yellow. The fruit is a pod of cabbage plants are cylindrical, with a length of 5-10 cm and has a lot of seeds. Seeds have a diameter between 2-4 mm and beige.
Harvesting cabbage varied, ranging from 90 to 150 days. Cabbage can be propagated by seed or cuttings shoots.Fresh cabbage contains water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamins (A, C, E, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide) and beta-carotene. The high content of vitamin C in cabbage can prevent scurvy (scurvy). Cabbage anthocyanins substances can cause color changes to red. Active substance, sulphoraphan and histidine can inhibit tumor growth, prevent cancer of the colon and rectum, detoksinasi harmful chemical compounds, such as cobalt, nickel and copper overload in the body, and increase the body's resistance against cancer. Sulfur amino acid content also efficacious in lowering high cholesterol levels, nerve sedative, and uplifting.


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