Tuesday 10 February 2015

Benefits Banana For Beauty

Benefits Banana For Beauty
1. Moisturize Skin
For this purpose, the type used is a banana banana Ambon. Banana milled until smooth, then add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. This herb is applied on the face and allowed to dry (about 20 minutes). And then rinsed with clean water. This treatment is done routinely every day.
2. Eliminate Acne Scars
Gold banana peel rubbed on the face and left for a moment to dry, then wash with water. This treatment is done until the acne scars disappear. Facial skin will look smoother and firmer.
3. Smooth Skin Hands and Feet
Gold banana skin is rubbed on the hands and feet are thickened or cracked. This treatment is done every day.
4. Hair Fertilising
For this purpose a banana peel powdered gold. How to hang as much as 5 gold banana skin to dry were then ground up into powder. The powder is added to the egg yolk and water to taste, then stir. Herb rubbed on the head.


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