Monday 16 February 2015

Ingredients and Benefits of Cabbage

Here are some health benefits of cabbage for:
a. Reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL)b. Helps digestive healthc. Treat skin diseasesd. Being able to clean the influence of alcohol in the bloode. Prevent anal cancer, gastric cancer and colon cancerf. Anti-cancerg. Reduce the risk of outbreak of stroke and heart diseasesh. Help reduce the risk of cataractsi. Accelerate healing ulcer pain10 In addition to the above benefits, there are some more cabbage for health benefits, for example to treat itching due to fungal candida (candidiasis), the fungus on the scalp, hands and feet. Then tackle arthritis (arthritis), protects the body from radiation such as x-rays, computer, microwave, and a color television. Cabbage can also act as an antidote to a hangover (hangover), toxins in the liver, menghilankan complaints PMS (premenstrual syndrome), increase milk production, prevent tumor enlargement, menghilankan ulcers (ulcers) in the gastrointestinal tract, and overcome difficult bowel movements (constipation ).
For external use, cabbage juice can be used to wash the vaginal itching due to Candida albicans fungus, the disease known as Candidosis vaginalis. In addition, cabbage juice can be used to wash wounds, meyembuhkan fungus on the skin and head topically, and compresses body bruised, swollen or painful joints.
To overcome constipation, cabbage can be consumed every day, either raw or cooked. Then to reduce ulcers in the digestive tract can drink as much as half a cup of cabbage juice twice a day. Cabbage juice is given each day during pregnancy a few days before giving birth will increase milk production.
To lower high blood cholesterol levels, a quarter-sized piece of fresh cabbage washed with lukewarm water until clean, then cut into small pieces to blend. Drunk every day.
To choose a good cabbage, it is necessary to note the color. Cabbage is good to have white and clean and not torn outer layer. Before processing cabbage should be washed with warm running water so that bacteria and parasites that burrow between layers as well as pesticide residues may participate flow with water.
However, excessive consumption of cabbage for people with ulcers may cause adverse effects, because the cabbage produces a high enough gas in the stomach.


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