Saturday 21 February 2015

Botanical nature of kale

Kale has the Latin name Ipomoea Aquatica Forsk of Family Convolvulacea. Kale leaves long and whitish green. Two types of kale cultivated is rabut and kale kale quotation. Rabut kale leaves arrowhead-shaped smooth and pale green and white flowers with the shape of the bag containing four seeds. While kale quotes have broad leaves and thin dark green and white flowers purple. Kale is a plant that grows quickly and can be harvested 4-6 weeks from seed. Kamgkung including vine-growing annual crops in the mud and wet places such as the edge of time, marshes or floating on the water. Commonly found in the lowlands to 1,000 masl. Kale plants originating from India, which then spread to Malaysia, Burma, Indonesia, South China, Australia, and Africa. In Indonesia, kale planted in Java, especially in West Java in District Muting Merauke, Papua, kale is a barn everyday life. In the district of Aceh Besar district Darussalam, kale land planted population for personal consumption and for sale to the market.


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