Saturday 31 January 2015

The Origin of orange

Citrus fruit from Asia, namely India, Indonesia, China, but for some types also come from Florida, Australia and Caledonia. However, citrus plants can now be found throughout the world. Oranges have many species of six genera.
1. Citrus2. Microcitrus3. Fortunella4. Poncirus5. Cymedia6. Eremocirus.
Of the six genera in the top of the most famous is the Citrus, Fortunella and Poncitrus. However, that has high economic value just Citrus. Famous citrus species are as follows.Oranges Tangerines, including the famous tangerine or mandarin oranges name.Sweet orange, including the Washington Navel orange Orange called Orange. Citrus varieties including orange, sour orange is called tannin or acid orange.Large orange or extending orange rolls. Type which includes a large orange is orange gods or pomeloLime is commonly called the lemon skin can not be peeled. Citrus fruits are usually for drinks.Including citrus lime sauce, skin can not be peeled.Ponsil orange-leaved three three.
Citrus species are important, despite the low economic value of RL is orange, Citrus JC, Ponsil orange, orange and orange uwik tanim. This is because it can be used for citrus rootstock (rootstock) in citrus propagation.
In Indonesia, tangerines and Siamese plants are in Garut, Tawangmangu, Madura, West Sumatra and West Kalimantan. While a large orange or pompel moes are in Sumedang, Madison and Pacitan.
Sweet Citrus probably derived from the border areas of China and Vietnam. Sweet orange has now spread throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world.
Botanical nature Oranges
Basically there are three groups of Orange namely,1. Group Mandarin fruit skin easy to peel2. Group Orange fruit skin can be peeled with the aid of3. Group lemon fruit skin can not be peeled at all because of the inherent united with the flesh of the fruit.
A. Leaf and Stem Orange
The leaves are seated facing each other one-on-one, except that there are three classes of Poncirus-three (trifoliata). Specific scented leaves because they contain essential oils. Lime leaves no winged (Group citrus aurantium) and there are no winged (orange group Medica). Large orange and grapefruit daunya gods wide, thick, somewhat stiff and always winged.
Citrus plants branched and hard. Branch generally horizontal direction, but some are inclined upwards. There is a sharp thorny branches and some are not barbed. Poncirus group barbed big, long, and sharp.
All sweet orange has specific characteristics, namely broadleaf, thick, and generally leaves winged. Child leaves a fairly wide at the base and dark green. Orange tree has many branches in the direction of growth tend upwards.
B. Flowers
Orange flowers out after formed Poster (young shoots) at the ends of the branches are staying. White flower color, in the end bercanggap like star. The flowers are perfect pistil and stamens. The aroma of fragrant flowers that attract bees.
This plant can bloom throughout the year as long as the condition of the ecosystem qualify flowering. But in general, orange flowering after a dry season of 3-4 months.
C. Fruit
Fruits mature 4-6 months after flowering, usually occurs in May-June. For large orange, the main fruit in season from June to September. Citrus fruit and bark relatively seedy fruit contains many essential oils. Generally, citrus seed is poliembrioni, ie, every seed grows more than one bud, one of the other of the embryo and seed coat (nucellus).
Citrus fruits are round to oval generally. Papaya and lime citrus fruit oval shape. Large sweet orange and grapefruit have a thick skin and rather difficult to peel.
D. Root
Invitation orange plant roots symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi, particularly in an uptake of phosphate. This plant has a taproot and root strong side and within reach 3 meters.


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