Saturday 31 January 2015

Chemical Ingredients and Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon is a fruit that is very popular in our society. The fruit has a Latin name Citrullus vulgaris Schrad. Watermelon can grow well in lowland and upland which reaches 1,000 meters above sea level. The large oval-shaped fruit has a water content very much. The flesh is thick and easy to eat. In one piece of watermelon has a moisture content equivalent to one glass of water.
Plants grown watermelon spread on the ground or vines with tendrils. Watermelon plant stems relatively soft, triangular and hairy. The leaves are stemmed, located alternately, have a width of 2-15 cm and fluffy. A pointed leaf tips and edges wavy. Have uniseksual flower, single, wide bell-shaped, yellow and bloom in the morning.
Watermelon has several varieties of fruit, which can be seen from the flesh. Among them can be seen from the color of the fruit flesh. Watermelon is generally red, but on certain varieties of colored Orange, Pink, Yellow and White.
In general, small seeds and watermelon has many scattered flesh. Color black beans, brown and white.
Chemical Ingredients and Benefits of Watermelon
The main content of watermelon is water, which amounted to 93.4%. Carbohydrate content of 5.3%, 0.5% protein, 0.5% ash 0.2% fiber, 0.1% fat and some vitamins (A, B, and C). In addition, watermelon also contains amino acids sitrullin, aminoasetat acid, malic acid, phosphoric acid, arginine, betaine, lycopene, carotene, bromine, sodium, potassium, sylvite, lysine, and sugar (fructose, dextrose and sucrose)
Watermelon also contains potassium with water levels are high enough. Potassium is useful for the circulatory system, for example, helps the heart and normalize blood pressure. Potassium in watermelon can also treat hypertension and anemia. Kukurbositrin active compounds in the seeds of watermelon can stimulate the kidneys and also can keep your blood pressure to remain normal. Seeds contain 30-40%, 20-45% oil barwarna yellow, sitrullin, vitamin B12 and Enzyme Urease.
Low fat content in watermelon can be used in a diet program. In addition, a high water content and a combination of sugar ternatas, then eat the watermelon can be filling the stomach. This condition forces us to eat large amounts less than usual, thus supporting a diet program.
Another benefit of watermelon is helping memeprtahankan performance of the cells of the body because of its antioxidant content. Including renal tubular cells that absorbs water unruk issued. Thus urine produced more. And this condition is beneficial for patients with disorders of urinationLycopene in watermelon are also beneficial for reproductive health. In studies conducted All India Institute of Sciences, New Delhi on 30 infertile men (infertile) aged 23-45 years who were given 20 mg of lycopene twice daily for 3 months, showed an increase in the number of motility (movement) of sperm. Of the 30 participants were 6 of them managed to impregnate his wife. Amino acid citrulline may also increase production nitrioksida, which plays a role in the ability of erection in men.
Processed watermelon rind can be used to mask the face to face looking bright and fresh. The trick is to dry watermelon rind dried, then ground up into powder. Then watermelon rind powder is mixed with aloe vera and cucumber juice. Then mixed well and apply on the face 2-3 times a week.
To cope with hair loss, skin watermelon rubbed on the scalp during the afternoon and left overnight to absorb. The next morning, the hair is washed.
Some people often suffered heat stroke (dizziness when exposed to sunlight) with symptoms of weakness, nausea and headache if too long under the hot sun. To overcome this condition, as much as 1-2 cups of watermelon juice, can be taken 2-3 times a day, until the body feels good.
Watermelon seeds can be used to treat diabetes. It is very easy, by boiling 1 handful of watermelon seeds in 1 liter of water to boil. Drink boiled water every day. Or it could be the watermelon rind cut into small pieces and mixed guava fruit and boiled the water is then drunk.
Watermelon is a laxative urine (diuretic) and anti-inflammatory. Watermelon juice is also commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve the symptoms of Summer heat is a disease characterized by symptoms of sweating, thirst, increased body temperature, urine color clear, diarrhea and irritable.


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