Saturday 31 January 2015

The Origin of Banana

Banana is a fruit that comes from Southeast Asia, Africa and South America. Now, this plant has spread throughout the world, including Indonesia. Long-shaped fruit is highly favored by all levels of society. The Latin name of bananas are Musa sapientum. Almost all viretas bananas can be consumed, but most terkenan in our society is the type of banana, king, kepok, mas banana, banana milk and bananas sere.
Banana Botany properties
Bananas are quasi-trunked shrub (pseudostem). Banana tree height varies between 1-4 meters depending on varieties. These plants are merumpun (growing seedlings). Each plant fruit only once, after the death (monokarpik)
A. The leaves and stems
Banana tree leaves are wide and long, with large leaves bones. Banana leaves are easily torn because on the edge of the leaf does not have a compact bond. Tuberous stem (corm, tuber) are large and have buds that can grow into a shoot number (sucker).
B. Flowers
Banana trees have a single flower. Flowers come out at the end of the stem and bloom only once during their lifetime (monokarpik). Banana flower is called the heart. This banana heart is dark red, but there are also yellow and purple. Each heart is composed of one or more ovaries (comb). Each comb is protected by a leaf sheath. The flowers are perfect, but at the end of flowering generally manly heart. Sheath one by one bloom and looked comb. The tip of the heart does not bloom, left heart.
C. FruitBanana flower cross-pollinated by insect pollinators, but generally not too fertile pollen. Therefore, many bananas that do not have seeds (Parthenocarpy). Type bananas for fresh consumption because no seeds tripled the number of chromosomes (3n) called triploid. Bananas table with seeds (diploid) is banana stone (kluthuk) and a little seed and kepok siem bananas.
D. Root
Banana plant has a kind of root fibers are very much but soft textured. So easy to collapse


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